As the world bears witness to Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine, we wish to extend the heartfelt support of Bailadores de Bronce to our Ukrainian community, especially those among them who may have family and friends in Ukraine. You – and our Russian community who may also be affected by this conflict are in our thoughts during these dark days in Eastern Europe.
War in distant lands is unimaginable to many of us. While we may be momentarily jolted by graphic imagery of destruction and human suffering, the experience on the ground, the trauma, and fear is far worse. Every person fleeing the violence in Ukraine, boarding a crowded train, taking shelter in a subway station, or walking miles in the bitter cold to reach the border are now asking: what next? Unimaginable.
Our responsibility, as a community, is to learn about the causes and humanitarian consequences of the conflict in Ukraine so that we may better understand it and act in ways that demonstrate solidarity with the innocent victims of war. As a massive refugee crisis unfolds, we would encourage you to support charitable organizations that are providing emergency medical care and supplies, mental health counseling, food, shelter, and other material aid.
We encourage you to reach out to the following to see how you can help or share this information with those who may be affected:
- Ukrainian Association of Washington State
- Lutheran Community Services Northwest
- World Relief Seattle
- Ukrainian Community Center of Washington
Again, to our Ukrainian and Russian communities and to everyone who is impacted by this conflict, our hearts go out to you at this difficult time.
Please know that Bailadores de Bronce stands with you.